Outside the 4 Walls is a ministry that is dedicated to training and encouraging believers to walk in the fullness of their inheritance as children of God in their daily lives. This means living a supernatural life and continually adding to biblical events.
A key focus of the ministry is to teach believers to walk in the supernatural power of God in constant communion and reliance on the Holy Spirit. We believe that as believers learn to hear from the Holy Spirit for themselves, we will have fewer doctrinal errors and see the scripture fulfilled that "None of them shall teach his neighbour, and none his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them." Heb 8:11
In addition, we are a healing ministry with a vision of seeing all believers walking in divine health and healing the sick everywhere. Tony's desire is to teach you to receive healing for yourself and then share it with others.

Tony Myers
Outside the 4 Walls ministry was founded by Tony Myers after been healed from terminal ALS while on the brink of been placed in hospice care.
Prior to his healing, Tony had been an atheist with no knowledge of scripture and a deep hatred for Christianity. After his healing, Tony set out on a quest seeking to learn how he had been healed and how he could help others receive their healing.
In addition, filled with the knowledge of the love of Jesus for all people, Tony started ministering to the sick the very day he was healed and was seeing people healed one week after he himself was healed out of a wheelchair!
Tony shares his story of grueling sickness and miraculous healing in his book "The Lord Jesus Healed Me: The journey of an Atheist to Truth". You can also watch a condensed version of his testimony in an interview with CBN here.
Tony is also the author of five books, all of which seek to help believers realize their identity as children of God and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit in their everyday life. The books are all available on Amazon in paperback, Kindle and Audible formats at very affordable prices.
Click on each title below to watch a trailer of the book:
Newest Book by Tony
From where does human knowledge originate? What are the keys to living a supernatural life?
Pushing the Boundaries in Christ really starts with pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible. As children of a supernatural Heavenly Father, the seeming impossible is possible: physical healing, financial miracles, and operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Included in this book is a workbook, to push the boundaries of your mind and renew your thoughts to what is available to a believer of Christ, who is living in God’s Kingdom on this physical earth.
This book will:
• Explain the relationship between the fallen angels and human knowledge
• Increase your understanding of how the Kingdom of God functions on the earthly plane
• Increase your intimacy with Holy Spirit
• Lead you into a more supernatural lifestyle
Personal Endorsements
April Babb,
People Ablaze Ministries
Author, "Seated in the Clouds, Ruling on the Earth"
Tony Myers is someone who desires the freedom of Christ to become a part of every Believer’s walk. If for this reason alone, I would be delighted to speak highly of Tony in any setting. But his attributes do not stop there. He has lived this thing out. Tony understands what it is like to not understand or even believe God; therefore, he has a great capacity to minister across the spectrum of people. His own healing and discovery of God’s unmerited grace and love provide such vital credibility that is often lacking in our church world.
His book, The Lord Jesus Healed Me, tells an amazing testimony of God’s goodness for US ALL! I highly suggest getting and reading this book over and over. Paul and I are so grateful that God has had us cross paths with this fiery one in Tony Myers. Our lives have been enriched as well as our faith by knowing him
Bill Chapman
Pastor, House of God Worship Center
Pastoring for over 40 years we have seen miracles of all types throughout my ministry; from salvation to cancer being healed. We have worked with the homeless and have seen many delivered from the bondage of sin.
One Sunday morning, I saw in the congregation a blue-haired man. I had heard about Tony’s testimony, one of my members had met him and told me about him and his books. She had been inviting him to visit us. When I looked out and saw him, we were happy to have him with us and share his testimony with the church. I walked up and introduced myself before service began, immediately following service Tony and I talked and he shared his books with me.
I read Tony’s books and enjoyed his honesty and straightforwardness that he provides in his writing. Most of all what a testimony of God’s healing power. He is not afraid to tackle the issue he is writing about head-on and provide information to provoke thought and change in the reader as well as himself.
Tony writes from a place of experience and provides a view from someone who has walked this path. Not only does Tony write from experience, but also he provides scriptural reference and what better reference to have than the Word of God!