“By His Stripes, You are Healed...”
Prior to his healing, Tony had been an atheist with no knowledge of scripture and a deep hatred for Christianity. After his healing, Tony set out on a quest seeking to learn how he had been healed and how he could help others receive their healing.
In addition, filled with the knowledge of the love of Jesus for all people, Tony started ministering to the sick the very day he was healed and was seeing people healed one week after he himself was healed out of a wheelchair!
Tony Myer's Story
Tony Myers started life off by finding alcohol and drugs. Even with seeing Jesus as a young child, he felt Jesus had condemned him, because of his actions. Then with the traumatic deaths of two friends in his childhood, Tony made the decision that God didn't exist.
He then chose a life of addictions, hate, and just utter chaos. By adulthood, he was persecuting Christians in any way, by any means he could. When approached by Christians they received the brunt of his hate.
Tony lived this way for forty-three years of his life until for the first time he saw the true Love of Christ reflected in a beautiful woman, Deb, who is now his wife. It was during this time that disease came upon him, that was a sentence of certain death. In the form of a neurological disorder at one time diagnosed as Lou Gherig's then it became an unknown neurological disease.
Tony accepted Christ, into his heart; was baptized in a wheelchair, paralyzed, and then dramatically healed. In the present time, Tony preaches the True Gospel of The Father's Love, teaches about healing, ministers healing to others, and activates them in all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit!
April Babb,
People Ablaze Ministries
Author, "Seated in the Clouds, Ruling on the Earth"
Tony Myers is someone who desires the freedom of Christ to become a part of every Believer’s walk. If for this reason alone, I would be delighted to speak highly of Tony in any setting. But his attributes do not stop there. He has lived this thing out.
Tony understands what it is like to not understand or even believe God; therefore, he has a great capacity to minister across the spectrum of people. His own healing and discovery of God’s unmerited grace and love provide such vital credibility that is often lacking in our church world.
Bill Chapman
Pastor, House of God Worship Center
Tony comes from a place of experience and provides a view from someone who has walked this path. Not only does Tony write from experience, but also he provides scriptural reference, and what better reference to have than the Word of God!
Most of all what a testimony of God’s healing power. He is not afraid to tackle the issue he is writing about head-on and provide information to provoke thought and change in the reader as well as himself.